●實現對人、物站式高效安檢, 為公共安全保駕護航
產品簡介(Product Information)
●實現對人、物站式高效安檢, 為公共安全保駕護航
Realize one-stop efficient secur ity inspections for people and objects, and escort public safety
touchless, no stop, fast passage
Automatlc and efflclent detection of dangerous and contraband carrled wIth you
Used In rall translt, publlc Inspectlon and justlce, customs border Inspection, prisons, alrports, major events, etc.requirements
規格參數(Technical Specification)
檢測方式(Detection methodD :被動式(Passive)
成像速度(Im agingspeed): 16幀/秒(16frames per second
成像精度(Im agingacouraqy): 2 5cm@2 5m
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