
IWILDT AN-3315X智能車底偵查機器人

IWILDT AN-3315X智能車底偵查機器人




  • 武漢艾崴 質量保證
  • 武漢艾崴 全國運輸
  • 武漢艾崴 圖像清晰


產品簡介(Product Information)

●行進速度快,工作效率高;用於車輛底盤的主動性檢查,亦可用於大型貨櫃、貨架、集裝箱的底部,會議場館 桌椅的底部等等其他各種狹小低矮空間的檢查

Fast travel speed and high work efficiency, used for proactive inspection of vehicle chassis. It can also be used for inspection of large containers, shelves, the bottom of containers, the bottom of tables and chairs in conference venues, and other small and low spaces.


Adopting the mecanum whocl structure design, it has the ability of translational movement in any direction and angle, and the movement is flexible and easy to operate.

規格參數(Tochnical Specification)

外觀尺寸(Dimension): 397 (L)* 378 (W)* 136(H)mm

重量(Weight): 7.5kg

最大移動速度(Max speed): 1.2m/s


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