
IWILDT AN-48002800汽車集裝箱安檢機

IWILDT AN-48002800汽車集裝箱安檢機






  • 武漢艾崴 質量保證
  • 武漢艾崴 全國運輸
  • 武漢艾崴 圖像清晰


產品簡介(Product Information)


designed for inspecting loaded goods, containers, vehicles at customs, ports and border crossings


screen whole trucks, containers and vehicles for threats such as explosives, narcotics, weapons of mass destruc-tion (WMDs)


high opood imaging, high quality imago analysis


intograting the most dcmanding intornational sccurity sorccning rcquircmonts

規格參數(Technical Specification)

穿透鋼板(Steel penetration): 最大330mm厚鋼板( up to 330mm) dual-energy

外觀尺寸(Dimension): 8.60m(L) x3.3m(W)x 6.8m(H)

通道尺寸(Tunnelsize): >2.8mW) X 4.8m(H)

汽車掃描速度(Scanning speed): 5公裏小時;快檢模式下可達到10Kmn; 5kmh; can reach 10Kmh in quick checkmode

通過率( Throughput): 120輛車小時(120 vechides per hour)


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